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Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart

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“Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart”
Pastor James CH.
9:00 am — 10:00 am
@ First Methodist Church


Duo at probo maluisset, populo theophrastus in sit. Pri te consequat gloriatur, cum id nostrum blandit quaerendum

Sermons Media

Fixed headers are fairly common nowadays.

Light up the way

Fixed headers are fairly common nowadays.

Bible library

Fixed headers are fairly common nowadays.

Colour Options

AppStrap comes with 11 pre-defined colour options which are shown below.

You can easily switch colours doing one of the following:

  1. via the config colourScheme option
  2. or via ./src/scss/_variables.scss defining a preset colour or by defining your own.

Cookies are NOT enabled so colour selection is not persistent.

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