Various utilities to help site building.
Responsive floats
Float elements or remove floats based on the browser screenwidth.
Class name pattern:
with full options:
Classes can also be combined.
Display property
These classes allow you to quickly change the "display" property of an element which can be really useful for alignment elements in a row or stacking them vertically.
Classes avaliable are:
, or
All classes are responsive using the following pattern allowing you to show and hide elements per breakpoint:
Boot that strap!inline-block
Strap that boot!Border radius
Quickly and easily set border roundness on images, buttons or divs.
Vertical alignment
These classes allow you to set the vertical alignment of inline, inline-block, inline-table, and table cell elements:
, and
You can easily set the position of elements using these powerful, responsive positioning utility classes.
Set positioning to absolute, relative, static, fixed responsively:
.pos-BREAKPOINT-absolute, .pos-BREAKPOINT-relative, .pos-BREAKPOINT-static, .pos-BREAKPOINT-fixed
Position to the given axis top (t), bottom (b), left (l), right (r), x-axis (x), y-axis (y) & all (a):
Position auto to a given axis top (t), bottom (b), left (l) & right (r):
.pos-BREAKPOINT-t-auto, .pos-BREAKPOINT-b-auto, .pos-BREAKPOINT-l-auto, .pos-BREAKPOINT-r-auto
Position to a given percentage on a given axis top (t), bottom (b), left (l) & right (r) (NOTE: 10-100 is in steps of 10):
.pos-BREAKPOINT-t-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-b-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-l-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-r-(1-10|10-100)
Set element z-index (NOTE: 10-100 is in steps of 5):
.pos-BREAKPOINT-zindex-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-zindex-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-zindex-(1-10|10-100), .pos-BREAKPOINT-zindex-(1-10|10-100)