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Carousels are powered by the awesome OwlCarousel 2 plugin which offers excellent responsive carousels.

The trigger or wrapper element should have a data-bs-toggle="owl-carousel" attribute, and you can pass settings/options using data-owl-carousel-settings='{}' attribute. See "options" below for all options.

Making carousels responsive: include "responsive" settings within your data-owl-carousel-settings='{}' attribute to apply different settings per screen width. For example: data-owl-carousel-settings='{"margin":30, "responsive":{ "0":{"items":1}, "600":{"items":3}}, "loop":true }' .

Browser support: All modern browsers, not supported by IE9.

Projects Carousel

2 items on wider screens, 1 item on mobile with 1px margin, no pagination, and .owl-nav-over & .owl-nav-over-lg classes added to wrapper to put navigation over the top of the carousel.

Testimonials Carousel

"Abico Amet Causa Conventio Dignissim Gilvus Ideo Imputo Iriure Metuo Mos Natu Neo Pala Secundum Singularis Ullamcorper Validus Veniam"

Picture of Jo Joe / @joe

"Abico Aptent Autem Causa Commodo Consectetuer Eros Esse Eu Ex Exerci Haero Importunus Interdico Jumentum Luptatum Odio Olim Persto Populus Praemitto Premo Quae Quibus Ratis Roto Saepius Scisco Sit Te Tum Utrum Vereor Ymo"

Picture of Jo Tom / @jo

"Ad Aliquam Duis Ea Euismod Gilvus Huic Illum Mos Nimis Occuro Oppeto Paulatim Plaga Pneum Premo Tincidunt Torqueo Uxor Validus Ymo"

Picture of Jo Dave / @tom

"Aliquam Antehabeo Augue Conventio Distineo Enim Et Ex Fere Gravis Haero Jus Modo Pagus Plaga Praemitto Probo Ratis Roto Singularis Utinam Vereor Vero"

Picture of Erin Joe / @tom

"Adipiscing Aliquip Causa Cogo Commodo Damnum Dignissim Duis Esca Eum Facilisis Iusto Iustum Magna Mos Nunc Occuro Paratus Paulatim Saluto Secundum Sudo Suscipere Uxor Vereor Vindico Ymo"

Picture of Joe Alex / @jo

"Acsi Aptent Blandit Brevitas Caecus Camur Diam Elit Esse Euismod Iustum Loquor Luctus Mos Nostrud Nutus Obruo Quadrum Quidem Quidne Rusticus Saepius Si Singularis Vero Vicis Volutpat Vulpes"

Picture of Tom Tom / @erin

"Abdo Abigo Abluo Aliquam Cui Euismod Gilvus Ideo Jus Mauris Modo Neque Nibh Nobis Paulatim Pneum Qui Roto Sit Te Turpis Utrum Vindico Vulpes"

Picture of Dave Alex / @alex

"Autem Commoveo Consectetuer Elit Humo Illum Inhibeo Letalis Qui Saepius Scisco Sit Tum Typicus Vel Vereor"

Picture of Tom Joe / @jo

"Aptent Augue Autem Cogo Ea Esca Eum Facilisis Iaceo Imputo Iustum Jugis Letalis Melior Metuo Minim Nimis Nulla Odio Paulatim Pneum Praesent Quidem Ratis Secundum Similis Sit Tation Tincidunt Turpis Ut Utinam Venio Vereor Ymo"

Picture of Dave Erin / @jo

"Ad Brevitas Consectetuer Consequat Cui Euismod Exerci Exputo Imputo Jumentum Mauris Molior Nimis Oppeto Os Persto Populus Quidne Rusticus Sed Ymo"

Picture of Alex Joe / @joe

Customers Logo Carousel

4 items per carousel row and image lazy loading.

Pricing Plan Carousel



  • 3 User Accounts
  • 3 Private Projects
  • Umlimited Public Projects
  • 5GB of space
Sign Up
Best Buy


$ 19.95 /MO

  • 10 User Accounts
  • 10 Private Projects
  • Umlimited Public Projects
  • 15GB of space
Sign Up


$ 49.95 /MO

  • 50 User Accounts
  • 50 Private Projects
  • Umlimited Public Projects
  • Unlimited space
Sign Up


$ 199.95 /MO

  • Umlimited User Accounts
  • Umlimited Private Projects
  • Umlimited Public Projects
  • Unlimited space
Sign Up

Carousel with Image Thumbnail Navigation

Add the thumbnail images below to your HTML and wrap them in a data-owl-carousel-thumbs="CAROUSEL-TO-CONTROL" and that's it.

Slideshow Carousel with Transitions

Also uses the .owl-nav-over-hover class to show navigation only on hover.

Project 1

Project 1

Project 1 description text.

Project 2

Project 2

Project 2 description text.

Project 3

Project 3

Project 3 description text.

Project 4

Project 4

Project 4 description text.

Project 5

Project 5

Project 5 description text.

Project 6

Project 6

Project 6 description text.

Project 7

Project 7

Project 7 description text.

Project 8

Project 8

Project 8 description text.

Project 9

Project 9

Project 9 description text.

Project 10

Project 10

Project 10 description text.

Timeline Carousel

Style Options

Add .owl-highlight-active to shrink & fade non-active items.

Add .owl-equalheight to make all items the same height.

Add .owl-overflow to make items overflow their wrapper.

Add .owl-nav-over to the wrapper to put navigation over the top of the carousel.

Add .owl-dots-center to center the pagination dots.



Type: Number
Default: 3

The number of items you want to see on the screen.


Type: Number
Default: 0

margin-right(px) on item.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Infinity loop. Duplicate last and first items to get a loop illusion.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Center item. Works well with even an odd number of items.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Mouse drag enabled.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Touch drag enabled.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

stage pull to edge.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Item pull to edge.


Type: Number
Default: 0

Padding left and right on stage (can see neighbours).


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Merge items. Looking for data-merge='{number}' inside item.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Fit merged items if screen is smaller than items value.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Set non-grid content. Try using width style on divs.


Type: Number/String
Default: 0

Start position or URL Hash string like '#id'.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Listen to URL hash changes. data-hash on items is required.

Type: Boolean
Default: false

Show next/prev buttons.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Go backwards when the boundary has been reached.

Type: Array
Default: ['next','prev']

HTML allowed.

Type: String
Default: div

DOM element type for a single directional navigation link.


Type: Number/String
Default: 1

Navigation slide by x. 'page' string can be set to slide by page.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Show dots navigation.


Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Show dots each x item.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Used by data-dot content.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Lazy load images. data-src and data-src-retina for high-res. Also load images into background inline style if the element is not <img>.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Lazy content was introduced during beta tests but was removed from the final release due to bad implementation. It is a nice option, so I will work on it in the nearest future.


Type: Boolean
Default: false



Type: Number
Default: 5000

Autoplay interval timeout.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Pause on mouse hover.


Type: Number
Default: 250

Speed calculation. More info to come.


Type: Boolean
Default: Number

Speed calculation. More info to come.


Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Autoplay speed.

Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Navigation speed.


Type: Boolean
Default: Number/Boolean

Pagination speed.


Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Drag end speed.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Enable callback events.


Type: Object
Default: empty object

Object containing responsive options. Can be set to false to remove responsive capabilities.


Type: Number
Default: 200

Responsive refresh rate.


Type: DOM element
Default: window

Set on any DOM element. If you care about non-responsive browsers (like IE8), then use it on the main wrapper. This will prevent crazy resizing.


Type: Boolean
Default: false

Enable fetching YouTube/Vimeo/Vzaar videos.


Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Set height for videos.


Type: Number/Boolean
Default: false

Set width for videos.


Type: String/Boolean
Default: false

Class for CSS3 animation out.


Type: String/Boolean
Default: false

Class for CSS3 animation in.


Type: String
Default: swing

Easing for CSS2 $.animate.


Type: Function
Default: false

Callback to retrieve basic information (current item/pages/widths). The info function's second parameter is an Owl DOM object reference.


Type: String/Class
Default: false

Use it if owl items are deep nested inside some generated content. E.g., 'youritem'. Don't use a dot before the class name.


Type: String
Default: div

DOM element type for owl-item.


Type: String
Default: div

DOM element type for owl-stage.

Type: String/Class/ID/Boolean
Default: false

Set your own container for navigation.


Type: String/Class/ID/Boolean
Default: false

Set your own container for dots.

Awesome Features

Beginner + developer friendly
Free Lifetime Upgrades
Fully Responsive
About Us

Making the web a prettier place one template at a time! We make beautiful, quality, responsive Drupal & web templates!

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019223 8092344

Sunshine House, Sunville. SUN12 8LU.

Colour Options

AppStrap comes with 11 pre-defined colour options which are shown below.

You can easily switch colours doing one of the following:

  1. via the config colourScheme option
  2. or via ./src/scss/_variables.scss defining a preset colour or by defining your own.

Cookies are NOT enabled so colour selection is not persistent.

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