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Timeline 1: Default

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Fri 27th Sep

Commoveo Et In Quae Virtus

Elit euismod ludus metuo te vero. Autem duis iustum minim tego tum. Gemino ille lobortis loquor olim qui quibus sagaciter verto.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Fri 27th Sep

Exputo Imputo Incassum Persto Sudo

Accumsan conventio damnum dignissim pecus sagaciter. Decet ea gemino minim wisi. Gravis humo quidem uxor zelus. Antehabeo elit hendrerit praemitto wisi.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Fri 27th Sep

Appellatio Et Interdico Modo Oppeto

Ille lenis metuo nostrud odio persto premo tation. At ideo importunus magna mos nunc saepius vulputate. Gilvus iriure lobortis nutus.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Mon 23rd Sep

Eum Humo Populus Probo Ymo

Et pneum proprius utrum velit. Iaceo jumentum luctus quia tamen. Comis imputo jugis vulpes. Ea lucidus quia rusticus. Consectetuer eligo eu facilisis olim oppeto saepius sagaciter tamen.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Wed 25th Sep

Blandit Eum Iaceo Modo Plaga

Decet esse occuro os sudo verto. Augue comis feugiat haero sino typicus. Iriure mos scisco. Acsi amet aptent dolor iusto luctus natu paratus utrum.

Picture of frog by Ben Fredericson
Tue 24th Sep

Causa Gemino Lucidus Nutus Quidne

Adipiscing comis feugiat imputo macto valetudo. Aptent caecus consequat huic jus nimis oppeto ratis refoveo venio. Acsi caecus ibidem incassum nisl pneum praesent utinam.

Tue 24th Sep

Responsive Video Embed

Esca eum gravis ideo mos sudo velit. Eu iriure vulpes vulputate. At eligo erat eu jus modo refero sino. Aptent autem dignissim luctus typicus velit venio.

Wed 18th Sep

Responsive Video Embed

Adipiscing autem fere jus minim nunc pneum sit. Abico adipiscing iaceo jus. Iaceo nulla nutus quidem tamen tum. Eros mauris quidem ratis.

The End


4 Timeline variations (combine with .timeline) classes available:

  1. Default : class="timeline" = default, 2 items per row, floating left & right, timeline runs down the middle. Is stacked on mobile.
  2. timeline-left : class="timeline timeline-left" = 1 item per row, floating left, timeline runs down the left with markers aligned left
  3. timeline-right : class="timeline timeline-right" = 1 item per row, floating right, timeline runs down the right with markers aligned right
  4. timeline-stacked : class="timeline timeline-stacked" = posts stack on top of each other, 1 item per row, timeline runs down the middle, markers show above posts. Is default mobile layout.
  5. timeline collapse
  6. timeline carousel

Timeline item (combine with .timeline-item) classes available:

  1. overlap-off = drops the item overlap
  2. overlap-pull-large = class to pull item up 120px
  3. overlap-pull-small = class to pull item up 30px
  4. overlap-push-large = class to push item down 120px
  5. overlap-push-medium = class to push item down 60px
  6. overlap-push-small = class to push item down 30px
  7. right = pulls item to right
  8. highlight = highlights the marker with primary colour

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Making the web a prettier place one template at a time! We make beautiful, quality, responsive Drupal & web templates!

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019223 8092344

Sunshine House, Sunville. SUN12 8LU.

Colour Options

AppStrap comes with 11 pre-defined colour options which are shown below.

You can easily switch colours doing one of the following:

  1. via the config colourScheme option
  2. or via ./src/scss/_variables.scss defining a preset colour or by defining your own.

Cookies are NOT enabled so colour selection is not persistent.

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